Flight Data Technologies

13 JUNE 2023


Flight Data Technologies Inc.(FDT) Receives Approved Model List (AML) Supplemental Type Certificate(STC) from Transport Canada (TCCA) for Over 30 Aircraft Types and Variants

Montreal, Canada - Flight DataTechnologies Inc. (FDT), a leading provider of aviation solutions, is thrilledto announce that it has been granted the Approved Model List (AML) SupplementalType Certificate (STC) by Transport Canada (TCCA). This certification marks asignificant milestone for FDT Inc. as it expands its reach and solidifies itsposition as a trusted provider of aircraft modifications and enhancements.

The AML STC approval from TCCAenables FDT Inc. to offer a comprehensive range of modifications and upgradesfor a diverse fleet of more than 30 aircraft types and variants. Thisachievement underscores the expertise and dedication of our team in developinginnovative solutions that meet the stringent standards set by aviationauthorities.

By obtaining the AML STC, FDTInc. can now deliver an extensive array of performance improvements, avionicsupgrades, safety enhancements, and other modifications to a broad range ofaircraft models. This certification ensures that our customers can confidentlyrely on us to enhance the safety, efficiency, and overall performance of theiraircraft.

"We are thrilled to receivethe AML STC from Transport Canada," said Natalia Bacharnicova, CEO of FlightData Technologies Inc. (FDT). "This achievement reflects our commitment todelivering cutting-edge solutions and supporting the evolving needs of theaviation industry. The expanded list of aircraft types and variants covered byour AML STC will enable us to serve a wider customer base and providecustomized solutions tailored to their specific requirements."

With the AML STC approval, FlightData Technologies Inc. (FDT) will continue to collaborate with operators,airlines, and aircraft owners to implement cost-effective modifications thatmaximize the value and capabilities of their aircraft. The company'sexperienced engineering and design teams are dedicated to providing seamlessintegration, minimizing downtime, and ensuring compliance with all regulatorystandards.

About Flight Data TechnologiesInc. (FDT)

Flight Data Technologies Inc.(FDT) is a leading provider of aviation solutions, specializing in aircraftmodifications, enhancements, and upgrades. With a team of highly skilledprofessionals and a commitment to excellence, Flight Data Technologies Inc.(FDT) delivers innovative and tailored solutions to meet the unique needs ofeach customer. Our services encompass avionics upgrades, performanceenhancements, safety improvement, and much more.

For media inquiries, please contact: Mr. Jean-Nicolas Ruby


Flight Data Technologies Inc. (FDT)

+1 514 293 2543
