You can view the flight data information in a graphical format. For this, you simply have to select the Graphics button on the Event page.
After a few seconds, you will see the different parameters of the flight displayed based on the Time Range, selected in the top menu by moving sliders.
Each Parameter on the right end side corresponds to the color of the curve from the graph. All curves are automatically positioned to best fit the page.
In our next example,by leaving your cursor above a parameter in the legend, you get a tooltip indicating the Parameter content, and at the same time, the corresponding curveis highlighted as shown in this graph.
Navigatethrough the graph
You can also access the graphic view from the EVENT view of your flight data information. For this, you simply need to select the Graphics button on the Event page.
If you place the cursor over the graph (not on a curve), you can see a verticalline following the cursor with the corresponding time on the top.
By leaving the cursor at the same location and rolling the mouse scroll wheel, you can zoom in or zoom out. Zooming in corresponds to stretching the time. In our example, we want to see greater details during the take-off section.
Using the left button of your mouse select and drag, allows you to PAN the graph view.
To maximize and re-center the graph to the page, press the shortcut “d” (as in 'Display') on your keyboard.
Access Help inGraphic window.
You can find the HELP Option indicated by a question mark in the bottom right corner of yourXpressA™ window.
Upon clicking the Help option, the shortcuts assistance window will appear.
The available shortcuts are detailed as follows.
• Press F5 to return to the XpressA™ main page exiting from the current file analysis.
• Press V whilehaving the cursor position at the time you want to get a vertical line. Youwill see a vertical line showing the value of each parameter that the line iscrossing.
• Press Shift +V while having the cursor position at the time you want to create a verticalline with a comment text along the vertical line.
• To delete thevertical line, double-click on the small box located on the top of the verticalline.
• Press N todynamically display the parameter names. Pressing N again removes the name.
• Press L towrite a legend above every parameter curve. Pressing L again removes thelegend.
• Press D toredistribute and re-center the graph area.
• Left mouseselection of the Circle near the parameter curve – allows you to move the curvevertically.
• Double click theCircle near parameter curve – cancel parameter curve modifications.
• Press Ctrl +Mouse motion Up and Down to change the curve range.
• Scroll themouse wheel to change zoom-in or zoom-out the display.
• Press C whilethe cursor is close to a curve to enter a manual COMMENT at that location.Press Enter after finishing the comment.
• Press E torefine the chart polling rate on the graphics and make the chart more precise.
• Press F tofreeze the vertical section line on a chart and display the values of thesection.