The XpressA user can directly go to the andselect the MY ACCOUNT button. Selecting MY ACCOUNT button opens the XpressAcloud web page. Entering the username and related password, the user access tothe XpressA main interface. Depending on the user role, access to differentmenu functions is available.
After verifying the user’s credentials, the applicationlaunches an active session, and the user can now review and analyze thepre-loaded flight parametric data. The same interface allows the user to uploaddifferent flight data information based on the aircraft configurationsrequested from FDT for the various aircraft used by the airline operator.
The RED section here depends on the Web browser you use. Asyou can see, we are on the XpressA website.
The Green box below shows the XpressA main menu area. Itscontents dynamically change based on the current context.
Depending on the number of flight-data copies selected inthe section below the menu, options available on the page will be different.
The first step for the Flight Data Analyst will be to selectthe FLIGHTS tab on the left side menu. The button will be available on thismenu only if one flight has been selected and processed.
The Side menu, under the XpressA icon, will change dependingon the active page. It may be Main page (1) or Event Page (2).
The tree view Window shows the folder & sub-folderorganization you can create. The right box below the Menu option shows the list of files loaded in the current folder (current tree window folder).
The question mark symbol on the right bottom of the window is the Help option and can be used any time when assistance is required. All shortcut keys are about functions relative to the Graphic page. These key commands will help you navigate through the graphic.