XpressA Education

Malfunctions Search and Fixes

Malfunctions Search and Fixes

Sometimes when you see the graphic in modes download or preview you would see either the graphic window empty or the chart with stacked lines. Those views might mean that the recording format does not match the cyclogram.

Return to the menu using F5 to refresh the page and verify for possible mistakes with the format.

You can try restarting the browser, verifying if thecorrect aircraft-FDR type was selected, indicating the specified aircraft type,and verifying all the procedures.

If after verifying the result is still negative, discard the file.


You can also discuss with the supplier of XpressA toverify the cyclogram.


Technical Issues

Sometimes a curve parameter is displayed instead of a straight line representing a binary parameter. You should check the calibration characteristics in this case. In addition, you should check parameter values in several sections or in the ‘table’ mode if the problem persists.

A good practice is to check the plot with different model values. If the result is still negative, check the parameter register channels,or eliminate the detected malfunction in the aircraft.