On the left side, you will seethe Upload function next to the product name, and on the right side, thegear Icon beside the username FDTDemo. This name may change depending on the user level you have.
When you click on FDT demo youwill find a new window where you can choose several languages such as English,French, Spanish, and Russian.
You will also find on the top thelabel “option’. If you click here, you will see a new window where you canconfigure the print table step, the background color of the chart, the width ofchart lines, the density of the chart grid, and the Email for notifications.
Remember that this email isvery important to get notifications when a new file has been sent by the u-q-ar.This way you will know if your file has deviations or not and you will be ableto look at it.
Let’s go now to the first line whichis ‘print table step’.
Normally you set this value to1, which means that data is logged every second.
It is possible to export allrecorded values after processing the FDR data by entering "0" insteadof "1" or any other value. If you type "0", all the recordsfrom your FDR flight data copy will be sent to the CSV. Please note thatdepending on the FDR data of the aircraft, you are working on the resulting Excelfile with all the records and it can become a very large file.
Note that this option has noimpact on the time step of the analysis process in XpressA™. This is alwaysdone on the full copy of the data coming from the FDR.
On the next line, you will seethe background color of the main chart. Here you can modify the backgroundcolor where the graphs are displayed. This value corresponds to a hexadecimalcolor code.
The next option you'll come acrossis chart line width, so you'll be able to customize the line width you want tosee on your chart.
The chart line density willallow you to adjust the density of the horizontal grid lines displayed in thebackground of the graph view.