XpressA Education



Statistics sectionrepresents a collection of all analyzed flights. All records of the statisticsare stored in the internal Expressa database.

This section consistsof the following parts: filter menu, and results table. Results table containsmultiple columns, of which most useful for the FDM specialist are:

·      Limit_N – threshold limits detected duringexpress analysis. Phase – a flight phase when the        event was detected,

·      Event – an event code consisting of 3 parts: typeof event, severity of the event, exact code of        the event name.

·      Event text – a short description of the event.

·      Comment – a comment, left by the operator,regarding issues with the event or action taken.

More detailed explanation on this, you can learn in view event list video, as this section is linked with statistics.

This part of the table represents the exact values of some flight data parameters at the moment when the event was triggered. To use a filter menu, click on the id field and select one of the column names to filter through.

In the condition field select one of the relevant conditions: equal to, not equal, more than, less then, more or equal, less or equal. In this field enter the value of the filter column. If its date, enter the date in date format, if its flight phase, type the exact flight phase as in the column phase. Remember that the value should be exact as it is written in the table.

Choose one of the operands– AND – if you want to include both filter criteria, OR – if you want to use each of the selected. Click plus to include additional filter criteria or minus to remove one.