XpressA Education

Uploading New Files

Uploading New Files

The default FDR file upload is fully automated for customer swho have the XpressA™ Automation.

To manually upload the flight parametric data into XpressA™follow the below steps:

1) Select the Upload button from upper menu bar and thefollowing menu will appear.

2) From the dropdown menu, select FDR-File to upload aparametric data copy.

To have proper information, it is necessary to have selected the proper aircraft and recorder type corresponding to your aircraft tail number.


When purchasing your XpressA™ or when adding a new aircraft type, you must request FDT to prepare the appropriate FDR interface based on the aircraft type and the specifics of the tail number the FDR will be installed on.


To prepare the aircraft configuration per tail number, FDT uses the aircraft type and model, FDR model installed, aircraft parameter thresholds, and possible threshold differences requested by the local air operator.


Selecting the Preview option allows you to access an express preview of the main parameters of the flight you are loading.


After selecting the button ofthe dialog box, you have access to the Window Explorer window allowing you to navigate through your network and select the right file you want to upload into XpressA™.


When the PREVIEW option is selected in the UPLOAD Dialogbox, you can see a preview of the file before it is formally uploaded in your database.

You can upload a new flight data file extracted from the data recorder into the database using the Upload option. Depending on the size of the file, a preview is available for the file to be uploaded.


If the Preview Option is selected during uploading, click the Upload button to effectively upload the parametric data file to the database.


If Preview is not selected, the Flight Data file is directly imported and optionally processed.


You can perform some basic activities like replacing the flight officer name by a code name, verifying the flight number and display of main information about the flight in the Preview Option.


Sometimes XpressA cannot identify the departure or arrival airport due to its absence in the database.


To improve automation, a special feature exists for storing new airports in the database. Each time you have empty “Departure Airport” and “Arrival Airport” fields, you may manually type the four-letter ICAO code of the airport.


After the next time you have a flight to or from the same airport, the express analysis will be able to identify it automatically.

Once you type it in the appropriate field, a database will update and use the same value next time.


To help users identify the airport in case they forgot the ICAO code or due to a lack of data, use the appropriate fields (green box) to locate departure and arrival airport names by copying coordinates from flight data in your google maps.


Copy latitude and longitude and paste both in google maps, keep the space between two coordinates.

Once you’ve located the airport name on a map, google its 4-letter ICAO code and paste it into the appropriate XpressA fields. Keep in mind that there is no revert action in case you make a mistake by typing the wrong airport code.


To indicate the uploading process, you will see a small number beside the Upload function icon. The appearing number corresponds to the number of files being uploaded.


By leaving your cursor close to the Upload icon, you can visualize the progress of the uploading process as shown below.


This allowsyou to follow the status of the data upload process.

If theprogress bar remains unchanged for a few seconds, the user might want to press the F5 – function key of the keyboard to refresh the XpressA™ Window.

The copy of the FDR file is processed instantly after uploading into the database.

The XpressA™algorithms in the background create an entire table of events simultaneously.