When selecting a flight in the flight section, notice the View button appears on top panel. By clicking this button, an event list page presents the list of all events occurred in the selected flight.
The interface consists of the following parts: Left options panel, Time range and report settings panel, event list table. Event list table is subdivided on three parts. Technological posts, displayinggeneral information about different flight phases and regular normal events, Piloting techniques – information about piloting techniques showing onlydeviations, detected during express analysis. Aircraft health control – anydeviations related to technical issues and aircraft health.
Each of these parts have their own code. This code you can also notice in the event column of the statistics section. This way it is easy to filter the statistics table by knowing the codes. Each event list table includes the following columns:
- Start: UTC time indicating event triggering
- End: UTC end time of the triggered event
- Duration of the event: In case event does not have duration, time is indicatedas one, meaning it’s a single time event.
- Code: event code starting with three number code indicating the type of event and a specific event code.
- Event name: Algorithm used to detect the event. additional information.
- Real column: Allows user to uncheck the event in case of false event.
- Comment: A field for userinput to allow explanation for the false event or any other additional information.
Notice the different colour lines. Light yellow lines indicate the flight phases. Piloting techniques events are also colour coded, based on the severity of the event. Least severe having white colour and highest severity event is indicated with red. Severity of the event is also indicated in the event code with a middle number from 0 to3, with highest severity having highest number.
If the FDM specialist considers event detected incorrectly, this can be addressed by unchecking the check mark from the real column and putting comment in the comments section. Immediatelyafter doing this, a popup window will appear prompting the confirmation of changes.
If changes are confirmed, the internal database will be updated, and a comment will be available in the statistics section of XpressA.
To switch to the statistics section, use page buttons below. In this example it is demonstrated, how comments are displayed in the statistics. If the user wants to revert the changes, checking the real column position and removing the comment from the section will not give any effect – the internal database willnot update this time.
To revert all the changes, user must manually upload thesame flight and perform express analysis once again. XpressA will detect sameflight copy file and rewrite existing one in the database.
Top panel allows to review graphics and generate electronic reports on the flight. To produce an electronic report, click on the report button and a PDF document will be automatically generated. If you want to exclude certain type of the events fromthe report, click on its section to hide it, and generate the report again.This time it will not include the selected type of event list.
The same works for a separate event inside the event list type. Just uncheck the real value and it will not be displayed in the report. A monochrome option can be used to generate grayscale document and a portrait option is used to produce the document in portrait format. Time range option allows to select the time range of the flight you want to be displayed in the graphics mode.